Vodafone Germany


Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is rapidly emerging concept, which is greatly modifying the current Telecommunication scenario. Telco Operators are moving from the traditional approach of deploying Telco Software over Vendor-Specific hardware to the new approach of deploying Telco Software over Data Center.

Vodafone has strategically decided to adopt “Telco over Cloud” model defining detailed specifications framework named “Blueprint”; Vodafone is gradually evolving all its network infrastructure in order to target Blueprint full compliancy.

Italtel has fully supported Vodafone strategy from the very beginning with the delivery of the vNGN (virtual-NGN) project. This project encompasses the migration of the whole former NGN infrastructure, ranking almost 3M subscribers and based on Italtel proprietary SW+HW, onto virtualized infrastructure implementing Italtel pure Software applications deployed on Vodafone Data Centers.


The Virtualized vNGN network is bringing important benefits to Vodafone Germany:
* Footprint and Cost Reduction compared to Vendor-Specific hardware;
* Consolidation of Infrastructure for different Telco Applications;
* Flexibility in software deployment and Elasticity in resources usage.
All SW functionalities implemented by former NGN solution have been guaranteed by vNGN, moreover IP-IP interconnection according to AKNN specifications (approved by German Telecommunication Authority) has been added thanks to vNGN.
The smooth and progressive migration from NGN to vNGN was realized guaranteeing minimum operational impact on OSS/BSS and Access Layers, preserving the same northbound interfaces and User equipment.


Former NGN network, realized by Italtel proprietary stand-alone HW+SW nodes, has been migrated to vNGN solution adopting 3-layer model approach:

  1. Commercial-Off-The-Shelf HW (VCE Vblock systems) to build the resource layer providing common computing resources and connectivity to the whole Telco network;
  2. Hypervisor Layer (VMware vSphere/vCloud) allowing decoupling of the physical computation and storage resources from the Italtel Applications;
  3. Italtel SW Applications providing the features and services required by Vodafone.

vNGN solution provides Transit functionalities and User Services both to residential and business customers.

The solution adopts the following Italtel applications:

  • Italtel i-MCS (Multimedia Communication Suite) as Call Control Element, deployed onto three geographical distributed Data Centers based on VCE Vblock systems;
  • Italtel i-TDS (The Data Suite) as Users and Services profiles database;
  • Italtel i-NEM (Neutral Element Manager), the Italtel comprehensive management suite.

Read more about Italtel IMS Core and Applications Products

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