100% of success rate achieved by our Cloud SBC
March 21, 2017 – Italtel was among the 31 participants of the recent Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) interoperability Plugtests® event organized last month in Madrid by the ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability. Italtel participated with a Virtualized Network Function, the NetMatch-S Cloud Inside Session Border Controller.
This initiative represented a unique opportunity to stimulate synergy and alignment across the NFV ecosystem. Multi-vendor interoperability test sessions focused on the validation of ETSI NFV Release 2 end-to-end capabilities. All the participants ran testing activities collaboratively.
Italtel on-site team, composed by Diego Saiu and Marco Volpi (see picture on the right) performed interoperability tests on our NetMatch-S Virtualized Network Function with the remote support of Marco Beccari, Emanuele Miucci and Lucia Calvi.
In the intensive 2 weeks activities at the event, Italtel received important feedbacks from the experimentation related to the automation of the lifecycle management of the VNF. In fact, it was possible to interoperate with all the different MANO (Management and Orchestration) providers in the NFV Plugtests, including several important commercial and open source solutions.
100% of success rate was achieved on the executed test sessions: an important proof of readiness for using our product, which adopts an enhanced SW architecture allowing rapid elasticity and reliability, in a multi-vendor production environment.
This experience represents a very positive result for Italtel, demonstrating that Italtel products are able to interoperate in an open multi-vendor NFV environment.