2018 Marconi Society Symposium

The 2018 Marconi Society Symposium will take place at Villa Griffone in Bologna on October 2nd 2018, from 9:00 am to 1:15 pm.  Guglielmo Marconi set up his first workshop and completed his first experiments in wireless telegraphy at Villa Griffone! This year’s symposium will honor the 2018 Marconi Fellow, Frank Thomson Leighton, and the the main theme of the meeting is: “Restoring Trust On the Internet”.

At 9:10 there will be an Introductory Keynote by Dr. F. Thomson Leighton “If We Knew Then What We Know Now”. These are the topics that will be treated: just as the Internet was designed to foster inclusion, content delivery networks (CDNs) were built under the assumption of best intentions by those that receive and consume content.  We now live in a world where everyday technologies are used against the people they were designed to serve.  Given this world, how can the mechanisms used in CDNs be exploited maliciously (ex.: Experian, virtual sit-ins)? What are the challenges of dealing with this and the potential solutions?  We will look at state-of-the art ideas and technologies to reclaim trust in the connected world that we all rely on.

Our CEO, Stefano Pileri, will speak around 11:20 in the Panel moderated by Giovanni Corazza, Professor at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna and President of Cineca, intitled What does privacy mean in the age of tracking, eavesdropping, recording and IoT? Should you care?”

Pileri’s presentation will be focused on Privacy and Freedom:  we need to restore the correct ownership of our digital images, we need to restore a competitive contestable context in the digital market, we need to increase trust and awareness in the power of digital for the progress of humanity.

Save the Date! October 2, 2018

If you would like to receive an invitation, please contact us at

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