5G ITALY 2022

This year we are at 5G Italy to talk about the future!

Italtel is Gold sponsor of 5G Italy – Towards the TLC of the Future – the international conference organized by the CNIT (National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications), which is confirmed as the reference Italian event for 5G issues and its application areas, and takes place in Rome on November 30th and December 1st.

In this complicated and challenging historical period, 5G will play a more and more relevant role for its industrial and social applications, but also in fields such as services, businesses, and Public Administrations.

The fifth edition of 5G Italy covers the research, development, and implementation activities currently under way in Italy and the rest of the World and will also feature the projects linked to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, PNRR), allocating major investments for the digitalisation of the Country.

5G Italy will count on the valuable participation of distinguished institutional representatives (i.e., from Government, Parliament, and Public Entities), as well as C-suite from top-rated Italian and foreign companies.

For Italtel, our colleague Silvia De Fina, Head of 5G Engineering and Business Development participates in the Round Table dedicated to “Cloud, Edge & Open RAN – Processing Systems for 5G (and beyond)”, scheduled for November 30th at 4.15 pm.

Her speech looks at the sustainability aspects of 5G, as a “multi-service” network that allows to enable very vertical applications, the so-called “long tail services” and “mission critical” applications, using a shared infrastructure. In other words, what previously would have required standards and dedicated private networks, can now be achieved by reserving a “slice” of the public network, thus helping to break down substantial infrastructural entry barriers and multiply opportunities for advanced digital transformation.

The conference is a hybrid event: speakers and guests can participate both in presence and remotely.

For more details on the agenda and for registration: https://www.5gitaly.eu/it/home/

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