For the second year Italtel France is at “Colloque de l’Agurre”, the annual symposium that brings together the mobile connectivity ecosystem: mobile network stakeholders, solution providers, mobile operators and infrastructure operators.

The Agurre event, which takes place in Paris on November 16 from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, is a real exchange opportunity in the form of round tables but also through industrial-related demonstrations. For this 10th anniversary edition, the event is focused not only on networks in the strict sense but open up to the applications and uses that they allow in each of the sectors of activity, be they industry, transport, ports, airports, energy and also the logistics.

We are waiting for you at booth n. 20, together with our partner Panorama Antennas, to meet companies and Service Providers. You will discover our white paper on our 5G solution for private networks, ranging from Infrastructure to Application Layer, and designed in collaboration with a wide network of selected partners.

For the agenda of the event and for registration: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-colloque-de-lagurre-2022-432424111157

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