Also Italtel at the day dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi
On Saturday 25 April from 10.00 to 12.00 takes place, exclusively online, the traditional Marconi Day, which the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation organizes every year on the anniversary of the scientist’s birthday.
The day is inspired by the figure of Guglielmo Marconi inventor and entrepreneur, but is also strongly linked to current affairs. The focus of the day will be on Marconi as an extraordinary example of entrepreneur and innovator, of the importance of TLC as a critical infrastructure also for the management of crisis situations, of how technology and innovation can help enterprises and the whole Italian country system to recover.
Italtel CEO, Stefano Pileri, participates with an intervention on the maintenance of telecommunications networks in this emergency period due to Covid-19 as an essential element to give continuity to many job and educational activities: smart working, electronic commerce, video streaming, online gaming and digital school, without forgetting the one who could have been a great player, telemedicine.
For further details: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-giornata-di-marconi-2020-per-la-ripresa-del-sistema-industriale-102965005102