Artificial Intelligence for the Image Diagnostics

Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnostic Imaging is a topic of great interest on which will focus the National Conference of Computer Radiology planned in Bologna (Archiginnasio Palace)  on Friday 24 May.


A multidisciplinary faculty is expected to attend the conference, consisting in particular of Physicists, Bioengineers, Radiologists, Lawyers, Scientific Journalists and also Philosophers, with the aim of talk about this topic starting from its foundation, defining what are neural networks, how they are used in Medical Imaging, what are Biobanks, then move on to its Clinical Applications, then Radiomics, highlighting the advantages but also the limits, and finally analyzing the related political, ethical and forensis issues.

Exprivia | Italtel will be sponsor of the conference as a leading player in the field of IT Radiology.

For more details: www.sirm.org/sezioni-di-studio/convegno-nazionale-della-sezione-e-altre-attivita-formative-2019/

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