Awarded at MIUR the project “I-NEXT” with Italtel project leader

Tuesday, 09 October 2012 Sede Ministero Istruzione Università e Ricerca
At the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Minister Francesco Profumo has awarded eight winning projects of the notice “Smart Cities and Communities” dedicated to the regions of the South of Italy

At the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, University and Research the Minister Francesco Profumo has awarded eight winning projects of the notice Smart Cities and Communities, dedicated to the regions of the South with the objective of promoting in the Convergence Regions (Puglia, Sicily, Calabria and Campania) research projects that, through the most advanced technological tools, develop innovative solutions for sustainable mobility, health, education and management of information and data in the public sector, renewable energy, culture, tourism, energy efficiency and management of natural resources.
The funding of projects are charged to the National Operational Programme “Research and Competitiveness” 2007-2013.
Among the winning projects there is also i-NEXT: Italtel is the project leader.

The project “I-NEXT” is based on energy efficiency of buildings and sustainable logistics and mobility, powered by electricity from renewable sources. The interweaving of the two themes can make available to public administrations technological solutions and integrated management able to contain operating costs and environmental and social effects of energy use and of the mobility of people and goods.The trial of the solution, which will be developed with the i-NEXT, will be implemented at the Public Administrations which already have joined the initiative: the towns of Palermo and Bagheria and Province of Agrigento (Temple Valley).

Movies and photos of the event are posted on the site of the Ministry of Education, University and Research:

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