Call of Shareholders Meeting
Wednesday, 29 Aprile 2015 Offices of the Company Settimo Milanese
Registered Office in Settimo Milanese (MI) – Via Reiss Romoli, Loc. Castelletto
Share capital Euro 825.695,00.
Tax code, VAT and Company Register of Milan no. 13210450154
Italtel Group S.p.A. Shareholders are convened for an Ordinary Meeting, which will be held on April 29, 2015 at 10.00 a.m. CET, (first call) and eventually on April 30, 2015, same place and hour, (second call) at the offices of the Company in Settimo Milanese, Castelletto, via Reiss Romoli, in order to discuss and resolve on the following
I. Directors’ Management Report; Report by the Board of Statutory Auditors; Statutory Financial Statements as of December 31st, 2014; relevant resolutions;
II. Appointment of the Statutory Auditors after determination of the number of members; appointment of the Chairman; determination of their compensation; relevant resolutions;
III. Appointment of the External Auditors for the Statutory and consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and also for the activities as per art. 14 of DLGS 39/2010 and art.2409- bis and ss. for the financial years 2015-2016-2017; relevant resolutions
Attendance and participation at the meeting shall be governed by applicable law and company’s by-laws; meeting may be also be attended by conference call.
UniCredit S.p.A. – Milan Branch is the nominee bank.
Settimo Milanese, March 30, 2015
On behalf of the Board of Directors
The Chairman of the Board
(Tiziano Onesti)