CEO Benedetto Di Salvo in Spain
The visit to Spain of our CEO Benedetto Di Salvo was the occasion to strengthen Italtel’s long and fruitful relationship with the Generalitat de Catalunya.
We have confirmed our commitment alongside Catalan institutions to make Catalonia a region that guides and implements the paths of digitization.
The key themes of digital transformation, communication services and new 5G infrastructures will be at the center of the meetings.
The Italtel team made up of Benedetto Di Salvo, Félix Luna Castro, Miguel Angel Tellez Camino met Jordi Puigneró i Ferrer, David Ferrer i Canosa, Xavier Mila Vidal, Cristina Campillo i Cruellas, Bernat Parera Berdala, Ivan Monforte Fugarolas of the Generalitat de Catalunya TIC Catalunya CTTI – Center de Telecomunicacions i Tecnologies de la Informació.