Credit Management process certified

Italtel obtains the certification of the Credit Management system according to UNI / PdR 44: 2018 Practice

Italtel SpA has obtained the certification according to UNI / PdR 44: 2018 Practice of the active cycle and of the Credit Management process. The certification project was led by the Italtel Finance team with the support of ASK Advisory consultants and was obtained after a remote audit by TUV Rheinland, due to the lockdown.

The goal was to define and design the entire process, to determine the specific phases and criteria underlying the prevention and correct management of the risks inherent in domestic and foreign commercial credit.

The precise definition of all the phases and the criteria for evaluating the conformity of the service and the knowledge, skills and abilities fundamental to better comply with the process and role of Credit Management, took place starting from UNI / PdR 44: 2018 Practice. The primary objective of such practice is to guarantee the enterprise protection, ensuring a reduction in the risk of insolvency of its customer portfolio and certifying both the procedure and the professionalism of the staff in the credit sector.

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