Digital infrastructures in the public hospitals

Italtel wins the tender for the outsourcing of digital infrastructures in the public hospitals of Lombardy

The services are defined in a Framework Agreement that involves the initial accession of three hospitals of the Lombardy Region and the possible extension to other thirteen hospitals. Services will be provided by Italtel staff present on site and with the support of the iNOC, Italtel center of excellence for intelligent services.

Milan, January 12, 2021 – Italtel, a multinational Information & Communication Technology company, has won the tender called by Milan Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda relating to the outsourcing, through a Five-year Framework Agreement, of the management services of the multivendor infrastructures of voice-data-Unified Collaboration-Safety and NOC (Network Operation Center) for the Territorial Social Healthcare Companies and the Foundations of Milan city and province that will participate in that agreement. The total value of the Framework Agreement is more than 13 million €.

The first Territorial Healthcare Companies to be activated will be Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori and Centro Specialistico Ortopedico Traumatologico G. Pini; the other institutions that could progressively activate the services are Fondazione IRCSS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, ASST Ospedale Fatebenefratelli Sacco, ASST Rhodense, ASST Nord Milano, ASST Lodi, ASST Ovest Milanese, ASST Melegnano e Martesana AREU 118, Fondazione IRCSS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta.

In this critical period for the Health System, we are proud to offer to these great hospitals in Milan our support and expertise for the best management of their digital infrastructure, also with a view to evolving towards the most innovative technologies necessary to improve the operation and quality of the services provided,” says Giovanni Salerno, Head of Private & Public Sector Market Unit of Italtel. “Digital infrastructures are a crucial element for the operation of complex structures such as hospitals and the health emergency has confirmed this. With our technicians we will be able to implement on the field complex procedures such as infrastructural evolutions without any discontinuity to the activity of the Territorial Social Healthcare Companies, propose innovative solutions – for example in cloud logic- and operate in the field of cybersecurity in order to identify, mitigate and prevent the risks.”

Italtel services are based on the innovativeness of the proposed technological solutions, on the ability to implement best practices in delivering services with up-to-date products and on the willingness to address projects and experimental use cases in line with the evolutionary trends of ICT and the latest technological innovations.

All this with a view to complete compliance with standards and regulations and with a particular focus on security policies, a crucial factor today. Italtel will cooperate in a transparent way with health authorities and other suppliers involved to bring added value, creating an integrated and synergistic service delivery model based on the continuous monitoring of contractual indicators and the related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

The services will be provided by specialized Italtel staff who will operate on site at hospital facilities using the support of the iNOC, Italtel center of excellence for the intelligent activities of monitoring, analysis of performance, restoration of services and analysis of trends for the definition of digital infrastructure evolution strategies.

Italtel has among its customers numerous hospital facilities in the metropolitan area of Milan for which it has also in the past carried out projects to upgrade and modernize communication and networking infrastructures.

During the period of the COVID-19 emergency, Italtel specialists have worked, and continue to do so, on the field in several hospitals in Milan, including Niguarda and the new hospital center of the Fiera Polyclinic in order to implement within a strict time frame the infrastructures necessary for the strengthening of intensive therapies, the expansion of departments in compliance with the rules of distancing, the establishment of areas for patients who are decommissioning after the acute phase of the disease.


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