Enhanced remote oncology medical consultations
Thanks to Italtel, the Local Health Autority of Vercelli adopts video communication for remote oncology medical consultations
Italtel has created a videoconference system for oncological consultations for the Local Health Authority of Vercelli. The initiative is part of a wider project promoted by the Oncology Network of Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta and financed by the Piedmont Region. Videocommunication is increasingly applied for oncological consultations between hospitals, both for the progressive specialization of hospital facilities and for greater mobility of patients.
Among the numerous benefits brought by new communication technologies in healthcare, the main one is the ability to make economies of scale and optimize both economic and human resources, a strategic factor for hospitals that can share highly specialized personnel.
Italtel managed all the parts of the project, both hardware and software and professional services. Italtel provided the installation of the videoconference system, and managed activities including logistics, choice of technical material, professional consultancy, on-site installation, configuration and testing. To complete the testing, Italtel used the videoconferencing system of its Settimo Milanese site for remote connection, as there were not yet active rooms among the other ASLs at that moment.
Italtel also provided the training of medical and nursing staff who would use the videoconferencing system.
The assessment by the ASL of Vercelli was very positive. They appreciated both the design skills and the ability to train the clinical staff in the field. Already in operation the system, currently available to the clinical component to carry out oncological consultations between hospitals.