EXPRIVIA and ITALTEL presents the 2018-2023 strategic plan

Favuzzi: “The creation of new business models is based on the ability to evolve the digital structure of companies.

Pileri: “Industry 4.0, Smart Citizens, Healthcare, 5G: the convergence trends of IT and TLC.”
• Revenues growth to 760 mln, Cagr of 3.8%
• Abroad turnover rises from 29% to 40%
• Ebitda doubled to 76 mln
• Improvement in the net debt that drops to -120 mln

July, 12 2018. Exprivia S.p.A. – a company listed on the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana [XPR.MI] – today presents at Borsa Italiana the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan created following the investment, finalized on December 14th, into a shareholding equal to 81% of Italtel’s share capital.
The new group is today one of the most important Italian industrial company in digital technologies sector. Exprivia|Italtel owns a wide offer to meet the growing demand due to the ongoing digital transformation, moreover are able to manage the entire value chain of ICT, from the components of the infrastructure to applications and services.

Through the strategic plan illustrated today to investors and analysts, the group aims to achieve revenues up to 760 million euro in 2023, with an increase of more than 150 million compared to 2017 and a CAGR of 3.8%. The revenues’ composition will change during the plan period, increasing the share achieved abroad, which is expected to increase from 29% of total revenues recorded in 2017, up to 40% in 2023. In this context it is considered of significant importance the contribution deriving from the synergies of the integration on the reference markets of Exprivia|Italtel, which in 2023 is expected to reach a value up to 60 million euro.

EBITDA is expected to double during the plan term, from 36 million euro in 2017 (aggregate adjusted data as of 31 December 2017) to 76 million in 2023 (with an incidence of 10% on revenues), which corresponds to an expected net result equal to 29 million euro.
The net debt decreased from -226 million euro in 2017 to around -120 million euro in 2023; the committed debt lines will cover around 75% of the overall amount in the plan period.

The 2018-2023 strategic plan of the group is the result of the Exprivia’s growth forecasts that integrates the Italtel plan, whose main economic and financial issues are in the today’s presentation.

The development plan, presented by the President of Exprivia and Italtel, Domenico Favuzzi, and the CEO of Italtel, Stefano Pileri, originates from the ongoing changes and do not concern only technology, but the business model itself.

Digital transformation is changing the way we live and work and be prepared is the only way to continue to be competitive on international markets,” said President Domenico Favuzzi, who added: “The creation of new business models is based on the ability to evolve the digital structure of companies. We aim to develop digital expertise and solutions that will be applied in our customers’ business models thanks to the group new synergies, such as increasingly equipped applications of artificial intelligence, distributed in the Cloud and based on data or robots and sensors connected to each other in ultra-fast networks“.

Digital technology is having and will have ever more pervasive impacts in all market sectors“, declared Italtel CEO Stefano Pileri, pointing out some significant examples of the innovations driven by the ongoing digital transformation: “Industry 4.0 initiatives, which can boost production in the large industrialized countries; the strong potential impact of Smart Cities on the citizens’ lives and on the environment, starting from mobility ecosystem and self-driving cars; the success of continuous care focused on digital and territory-based management necessary for the healthcare system to support the increase in average life expectancy and related chronic diseases; the evolution of the television and media ecosystem towards increasing quality and interactivity; the innovation of the electricity grids with the integration of renewable and discontinuous sources towards the so-called Smart Grids: these are some examples of sectors in which telecommunications sector skills, which is accelerating towards the 5G, are being mixed together with IT application development skills, which is becoming more and more artificial intelligence, indicating the vastness of possible activities for an integrated group such as the our.

The 2018-2023 strategic plan has been approved by the Exprivia Board of Directors during today’s meeting.

The presentation is available on the company’s website ( in the Investor Relations, Presentations section.

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