Fondazione CNAO renews its trust in Italtel

The need to secure highly reliable communication services has led the Pavia-based National Oncological Hadrontherapy Center (CNAO) to establish a long-running standing with Italtel.

Previously, the CNAO hired Italtel to purchase, install and set up a Call Manager Switchboard; now the Foundation has asked our company to carry out the maintenance and ensure the security of its headquarters’ network and telephony elements.

Fondazione CNAO has extolled Italtel’s availability, flexibility and remote technical support.

Italtel’s problem-solving skills, despite the limited budget, were also highly praised.

To find out more about this project, please see the Success story


In the picture the IT group of Fondazione CNAO (Fabio Bezzecchi, Danilo Sora and the manager Marco Russo), together with Elvira Cherchi, account at italtel.




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