Fotonica 2015
Wednesday, 06 May 2015 Friday, 08 May 2015 Politecnico di Torino – Lingotto Torino
Italtel will take part to the conference on the 6th of May, with a speech of Stefano Pileri, Italtel CEO on the Ultra BroadBand development.
Since many years, Broadband deployment is an open question, with varying intensity, in the Italian political debate. It is nowadays accepted that widespread bandwidth availability is a key factor for societal economic cultural development. Nevertheless, for different reasons mainly of economic, political and cultural nature, Italy has accrued consistent delay with respect to other European countries from both the infrastructural point of view and the related services availability.
This symposium aims at discussing on what are the initiatives that can improve broadband deployment in Italy and how such fast network, through the development of innovative services, will generate value for the society.
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