Information & Communication Technology Day in Catalonia

The metaverse is a highly topical issue in recent months, and is tackled by Graustic, an association that unites all ICT experts of Catalonia, to understand what it is, what its potential is, if it is sustainable for the planet, what will be the impact for companies and for the public administration, and many other themes.

Italtel Spain is going to participate with two speeches:

  • Josep Ramon Ferrer, public sector director Italtel Spain makes an online speech on November 9 at 6:30 p.m in the session: “the administration of the future in the metaverse: will we continue to do procedures? Will we have digital identity? Will it exist?”
  • Miguel Angel Téllez, Director of Catalunya at Italtel Spain, speaks on November 10, at Table 7 about Metaverse and Technology, relationship with 5G, MEC, VR&MR, Infrastructure which is held in presence at 11.30 a.m.

Register here for free: https://diada.graustic.cat/inscripcio-diada-2022/

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