Innovation, technologies and skills 4.0 at the A&T Fair

A&T, Automation & Testing, scheduled at Oval Lingotto Fiere (Torino, Italy) from 12 to 14 February 2020, is the annual fair dedicated to the world of Industry 4.0, where large companies from the Italian industry, SMEs and Start-ups meet to give concrete answers to all the players in the Italian production chain.

The inaugural ceremony of the 14th edition of the A&T fair takes place on Wednesday 12 February from 10:30 to 12:30. In addition to the institutional and industrial Italian personalities attending the event, on this occasion the results of the research “The role of digital innovation in the company “, carried out by the Digital Innovation Observatory in SMEs of the Politecnico di Milano, are presented.

For Italtel, CEO Stefano Pileri speaks in the first panel, with a presentation dedicated to examples and successful cases of use of IoT technology in the perspective of 5G.

For further info: https://www.aetevent.com/default.aspx

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