International Business Forum: the new frontiers of IT in Puglia

The Internationalization Section of the Puglia Region, in collaboration with the Apulian IT Productive District and with the support of Puglia Sviluppo S.p.A. and Innovapuglia S.p.A., organizes in Puglia an international forum that intends to explore the evolution of technologies in the digital environment, with particular reference to security issues, where the Apulian IT industry is a candidate to play a primary role.

The international forum, to be held on 7 and 8 November 2019 at the Grand Hotel Masseria Santa Lucia in Ostuni (BR), intends to constitute an important opportunity for a debate on the challenges and strategies for the development of technologies and IT applications in favor of digital security in different areas, through the partecipation of international experts and key players.

Domenico Raguseo, Exprivia’s Cybersecurity manager, takes part in the event with a speech that highlights the state of the art and perspectives of cybersecurity.

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