Interview to Federico Descalzo at MWC16
During the MWC16, Federico Descalzo, Italtel CMTO, describes how Italtel is enriching its offer towards the market: to the traditional role of vendor and system integrator in the network field, Italtel adds new competences on IoT, Cloud, Data Center, NFV and the development of new vertical markets, such as energy and healthcare
The world of telecommunication is experiencing a huge transformation in terms of business models, technologies, use cases, wondering where the value is and it is going to be in the future.
Italtel traditionally has been supplying networks, technologies (proprietary technology and third part technology), helping Service Providers and Large Enterprises to develop complex infrastractures.
Federico Descalzo explains that lately Italtel is taking advantage of the fact of being “not only a technology supplier – so a traditional telecom equipment manufacturer – but also a system integrator and also able to provide professional services taking care of end-to-end service, management, fulfilment. Using these 3 ingredients, Italtel can help Service Providers to evolve from the current assets to the new more agile world of functions, running in the cloud or in the Data Centers, moving all the intelligence towards the NFV schema”.
Italtel is touching with its hands new use cases on vertical markets and this is the next important challenge for the entire industry and also for Italtel.
On the other hand, Italtel CMTO declares that IoT and WebRTC are similar in terms of technology and relevant and business models and how the value is delivered to the customer.
“IoT and Real Time Communication are technology pillars that we need to master. Then, we want to actually create packages in terms of enabling platforms, open platforms, that are already targeted to a specific vertical, like energy or healthcare or maybe another vertical, where we take the best of those two technology pillars and we position our offer to that specific market”.
Federico Descalzo focuses in particular to the healthcare vertical where Italtel “can provide a lot of value”. Read more
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