Italtel Embrace awarded by UCC + Social Forum

Thursday, 09 October 2014 Milan

The UCC + Social Forum is dedicated to promoting regulations and standards that enhance UCC services. This is also achieved through awards such as the “Unified Communications & Collaboration Social Award”, now in its fourth edition.
A special category dedicated to vendors has been established this year.
The award is dedicated not only to the vendors who offer collaboration and communication solutions, but who are able to improve efficiency and increase productivity by using new technologies, especially in the post-installation period.
Premiazione fedeA committee made up of representatives of universities, consultancy firms and associations has chosen the winners on the basis of a classification defined by specific criteria, giving its reasons for the awards.
Italtel has been rewarded for its solution Collaboration At Work and in particular for the component Embrace, the WebRTC solution, which provides access to communication and social collaboration services without the need for specific clients.

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