Italtel launches Collaboration At Work
New solution uses Italtel products Embrace and NetMatch to enable easy and cost-effective enterprise communication based on an integrated architecture for interoperability using different technologies
Italtel, a leading telecommunications company in Next Generation Networks, Value Added Services and global IP-IP communication, today launched a new product called Collaboration At Work aimed at solving interoperability challenges.
The new solution was unveiled by Italtel during ‘The New Collaboration Age: beyond cost reduction for a smarter job’, an event organized by Italtel and taking place at the new Unicredit Tower Hall in Milan. Speakers included Valentina Aprea, Council Member of Lombardy Region, Paolo Cederle, CEO of Unicredit Business Integrated Solutions, Stefano Pileri, Italtel CEO, Stefano Mainetti, Professor at Politecnico Milano, and Maurizio Tondi, Head of Market Development EMEA at Italtel.
“Unified Communication and Collaboration is a strategic lever for the growth of enterprise businesses,” commented Stefano Pileri, CEO of Italtel. “We have designed and created the solution Collaboration At Work to leverage our key values and assets; the capacity to design and produce innovative products that integrate market solutions, solid partnerships with key technology leaders, certified engineers and our vast test plants for monitoring and testing of end-to-end network services. This solution and the products it is based on which are experiencing growing success in the market, are the result of our capacity to be innovative and bring that innovation rapidly in field.”
Collaboration At Work is designed to provide significant cost reduction while introducing interoperability among communication tools already present in an enterprise and mobile access with no localization limits. Today companies aiming to achieve this have a multitude of different collaboration technologies at their disposal that are separated. Moreover, most companies are connected in an expensive and obsolete way to public networks. This solution integrates and fine-tunes the technologies in a best-of-breed logical way, adds new ones based on web technologies and innovates the way companies interconnect to public networks whilst allowing an overall cost reduction of about 50% for telecommunication services.
“Lombardy is one of the regions in Europe with the highest number of companies active in the ICT and Communication segments,” said Valentina Aprea, Council Member of Lombardy Region for Education, Training and Labour. “In a particularly critical period for the ICT sector, it is fundamental to give specific attention to high tech companies that represent a real value for the Region and for Italy in order to support the sector through a joint action. For this reason we particularly appreciate that Italtel has concentrated its R&D labs in Lombardy. More specifically, we consider of the highest relevance the commitment of Italtel into supporting R&D activities and developing a new solution, like ‘Collaboration At Work'”.
Ease of use is a key feature of Collaboration At Work with the same user experience required to manage a video-communication as for a simple voice call due to the operating activities being extremely fast and easy. Each employee is identified by a single number, even though they can be reached at the same time on more than one device and can switch the call from one device to another. When several users are required to attend a remote videoconference, the solution allows the use of different technologies and terminals, enabling material to be shared with all clients and on all terminals.
Collaboration At Work also offers important advantages to external stakeholder’s ecosystems which can access real-time enterprise services via web browsers by using Italtel’s Embrace product based on WebRTC technology. A supplier, for example, which needs to contact the purchase department of a company using Collaboration At Work can consult a personalized and dedicated telephone book and make a video-call through the browser. The solution can be fully integrated with enterprise Contact Center systems and supports BYOD management.