Italtel Netwrapper for Dynamic Admission Control Solution

Italtel’s Netwrapper is a powerful Enterprise SDN application that enables several use cases requiring service-network full harmonization

Dynamic Admission Control (DAC) is the first solution that leverages on Netwrapper as Policy Engine for collaboration scenarios.

Netwrapper in DAC solution allows a dynamic tuning of Call Admission Control rules and applications prioritization, depending on enterprise business needs and real-time network status information. The final purpose is to optimize the bandwidth usage guaranteeing users with the best QoE.

To make this possible, Netwrapper interacts with:

  • Cisco APIC-EM (Enterprise SDN Controller), in order to gather information and apply policies on IP infrastructure
  • IP-PBXs (CUCM and Lync/Skype for Business) for acquiring service info and implementing  Call Admission Control adaptive policies

Ascione ciscolive2016Watch the video where Chris Oggerino (Technical Marketing Engineer, Cisco), Camillo Ascione (Head of System Integration Strategy & Marketing, Italtel) and Phil Casini (Director, Product Management, Cisco) talk about the new Netwrapper software on the APIC-EM platform.

Go to the blog of Camillo Ascione in

Read more about Netwrapper:

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