Italtel sponsor of CYBERTECH EUROPE 2016

Italtel is sponsoring the first edition of CYBERTECH EUROPE 2016, a European-level event on Cybersecurity, organized by Cybertech in collaboration with Leonardo (Finmeccanica), which will take place in Rome on September 29 (Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome, Piazza John Kennedy, 1).

The recent information revolution has deeply changed the world in which we live.
Over time, the world around us – from our physical surroundings to key infrastructure that determines the way we live in our cities and in our countries – has become more and more dependent on information and communication systems for the execution of everyday activities.

In addition to the opportunities created by this dependence, it also generates increasingly sophisticated enemies and threats, each one more complex and methodical than the other.

In order to fight these enemies and threats, individuals, organizations and states must produce unique and innovative solutions to improve the strength and resilience of the sensitive systems on which our everyday lives depend.

Hundreds of representatives from Italy, Europe and Israel, in collaboration with government agencies and industry leaders on a local and European level, will attend this one-day event entirely dedicated to the latest cyber industry solutions, innovations and technology.

Italtel will be represented by its CEO Stefano Pileri, who will be a member of a panel titled INDUSTRY 4.0, from 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm approximately.

link to the schedule

September 29, 2016
Palazzo dei Congressi
Piazza John Kennedy 1, Rome

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