National Conference AEIT
Monday, 27 June 2011 Wednesday, 29 June 2011 Politecnico di Milano, Milan
Economic forecasts seem to agree, despite the great uncertainty that characterizes this “post crisis” period, on foreseeing lively dynamics in developing countries and a little more than stationary situation in the industrialized countries.
As a result of this situation, profound changes in the economic system, starting from industrial sector are expected in European countries. May 2010 report by Mario Monti, on EU internal market (500 million consumers) suggests, among other things, a transition towards a green and digital economy, a focus of manufacturing sectors to high-tech and an increased labor mobility within the EU.
Italtel participates on 28 June in the Conference with a white paper by Paolo Crosta on “Innovative platforms for mission-critical applications with deployment of hybrid physical / virtualized infrastructure”.