Nextalia is the new majority shareholder of Italtel
In a press release issued today, Nextalia announced that it has completed the acquisition of PSC Group and Italtel, thus becoming our majority shareholder. Nextalia SGR, an asset management company promoted by Francesco Canzonieri together with leading Italian institutional investors (Intesa Sanpaolo, UnipolSai Assicurazioni, Bonifiche Ferraresi, Confindustria, Fondazione ENPAM, Istituto Atesino di Sviluppo, and Micheli Associati), completed the transaction on behalf of the Nextalia Credit Opportunities (NCO) fund. >> Read Nextalia’s press release here Our CEO Benedetto Di Salvo commented on the news in a brief statement that was released after the press release was issued and can be used to respond to any requests for clarification.
“We are extremely pleased with this operation: the interest and commitment shown by Nextalia in Italtel confirm the positive path the company has taken and the significant results achieved, thanks to the transformation plan we are pursuing. The acquisition by Nextalia will allow Italtel to further consolidate its leadership position in supporting the digitization of businesses and public administrations. We are confident that this transaction will enable us to achieve new goals and continue to innovate in the Information & Communication Technology sector in Italy and abroad,” said Benedetto Di Salvo, CEO of Italtel.