QuantERA Projects Launch Event
QuantERA Projects Launch Event in Bucharest, Romania
QuantERA is a network of 32 organisations from 26 countries, coordinated by the National Science Centre, Poland, supporting international research projects in Quantum Technologies (QT).
The Projects’ Launch Event in Bucharest, Romania will officially celebrate the launch of the projects funded within the QuantERA Call 2017.
Italtel will be present at the Scientific & Poster Session of the first day of the event with the participation of Paolo Maria Comi, Research and Innovation Manager, to the Panel discussion about Fostering Industry Connections.
The event will take place on:
April, 24th – OPEN DAY (registration was required) – program presentation and panel discussion
April, 25th – Parties involved in the QuantERA Programme only
The first day of the event will be open to participation by all interested parties, including the Coordinators of the QuantERA projects, QuantERA Strategic Advisory Board, representatives of the European Commission, Research Funding Agencies and other stakeholders. It will offer a chance to meet the Coordinators of the QuantERA-funded projects, learn about their research goals and activities, take a part in two panel discussions, network and much more!
The second day of event will be dedicated exclusively for parties directly involved in the QuantERA programme, and is not open to general public.