Remote working is growing again: embrace a remote working solution
Remote connections have allowed millions of Italians to continue working even during the worst phase of the emergency. In recent days, with the curve of infections rising rapidly again, remote working has become relevant once more, also to prevent new contagions. The simplified form of remote work, excluding the individual agreement with employees, has been extended until December 31.
Protect people and safeguard business with smart working
Companies need to ensure that their staff work safely and efficiently and in order to preserve company activities, they safeguard the continuity of their business. Choose to use or enhance the use of video calls, video conferencing by the use of VPNs, applications and tools in the cloud, always prioritizing the issue of data and application security.
Get ready for remote working in the best way by strengthening your company’s data network, to support the adoption of home working procedures and the use of cloud applications.
If you need to make remote work and face-to-face work coexist, find out how technology can offer support to protect and manage human and technological resources in the company, to set up activities with reduced attendance, the respect of physical and social distancing, the management of shifts and schedules in one or more offices.
Whether you are a company or a Public Administration body, discover the specific solutions that Italtel offers when it comes to remote and face-to-face work: discover “Rethink Digital Normality“.
Smart working: in 2021 there will be over three million smart workers in Italy
According to the estimates of Crif Nomisma, in 2021 16% of people will work from home: one in six workers. While in lockdown, Italian remote workers went from about half a million to over 7 million, 34 percent of the total of people employed. In the post-emergency phase, the number stabilized at 24%, one in 4 workers. The data of the last few weeks, with the new peak of infections, lead us to believe that the adoption figure will return to grow faster than expected.
According to Crif Nomisma, in the private sector, the areas with the greatest number of employees in smart working are IT and Telecommunications, with a share equal to 56% of the total of people employed. Large companies with more than 250 employees are more likely to work remotely, as well as multinationals, where the quota of smart workers hits 53%.
If smart working brings unquestionable advantages to the balance between work and private life and the reduction of the times and costs of the commute to work, the downside is the increase in hours worked, the struggle to separate work and private life and the reduced exchange with co-workers.