Report on the adoption of 5G in France in the industrial context

A mission to promote the development of 5G in the industrial sector has been launched in autumn 2021 by the French Minister Delegate for Industry and by the Secretary of State for Digital Transition and Electronic Communications. With the launch of this mission, the French government intends to accelerate the spread of 5G applications in the country’s industrial fabric.

This mission has several objectives:

  • the establishment of a continuous dialogue between industrial and telecommunications operators in order to develop the uses of 5G in industry and accelerate its appropriation by professionals;
  • identification of obstacles to the spread of 5G and its uses in industry;
  • proposal of concrete actions to support the French industrial sectors in the creation and dissemination of innovative 5G services.

The 5G Industrial Mission report, as a part of the acceleration strategy for 5G and future telecommunications network technologies, was released on March 3.

Italtel is one of the companies interviewed for the drafting of this report, issued by the Conseil national de industrie, the French national industry council. Our colleagues Florence Michel, Christophe Mourlevat, Saverio Caracozzi and Giovanni D’Onofrio shared Italtel’s 5G experience with Philippe Herbert, head of Mission 5G Industrielle, and main author of the report.

For further details, in French:

To download the report, in French: rapport-mission-5g.pdf (



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