SMAU Naples: Italtel awarded thanks to two research projects

Italtel awarded thanks to two research projects on the evolution of networks

December 13, 2019 – The RE-ACTOR and AGILE NETWORKS projects by Italtel, a company belonging to the Exprivia group, received the “SMAU Innovation Award – Innovating with the PON IC” during SMAU Naples, the tenth stop on the roadshow that took the event across Italy as well as abroad.

RE-ACTOR (“Rich Environment-Appliance and fog Computing platform for Internet of Things Optimizer Real time”) responds to the challenges of the Internet of Things and enables its diffusion through a groundbreaking framework and a series of apps dedicated to the areas of Energy and Environment, Mobility and Transportation, Monitoring and Security of Territory, and Smart Factory.

AGILE NETWORKS is a technology-based project to innovate the virtualization of digital platforms, of infrastructures and services and has objectives aimed at the evolution of solutions and products by Italtel, particularly in the areas of 5G, NFV-SDN, Network Automation, and Contextual Communication.

“Italtel has always been committed to innovation, this time with projects that study the evolution of networks towards 5G, the edge-cloud paradigm, and issues relating to the Internet of Things” – says Luca Ferraris, Head of Innovation, Marketing & Technology at Italtel, a company of the Exprivia group. “The winning projects today are about to get to an end and on this basis we are relaunching our research to proceed on the new strands of the 4.0 Industry, critical infrastructure monitoring also thanks to the AI and Quantum Key Distribution (QKD).”

The projects, selected from those approved under PON IC (which stands for National Operational Program – Businesses and Competitiveness), were funded under the EU cohesion policy for the 2014-2020 timeframe, managed by the Ministry of Economic Development. With a budget of over 3 billion Euros, PON IC promotes innovation, development, and competitiveness in the country, with a focus on the South of Italy.

The experience of RE-ACTOR and AGILE NETWORKS was presented by Giacomo Corvisieri, Head of Collaborative Research Projects at Italtel, during the Smau Live Show; the live streaming event that took place today in the TV studios of the Mostra d’Oltremare which hosts the event.

During SMAU Naples, Italtel also participated in the Working Table on Open Innovation and Smart Communities in collaboration with the National Smart Communities Cluster, and in the Innovators’ Table in which it shared its ongoing experiences on the topic of Open Innovation.



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