The highest score in legality rating

Italtel receives the highest score in legality rating

The Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) renewed to Italtel the legality rating, held since 2015, and assigned the highest possible score of three “stars”.

The legality rating is an innovative instrument born in 2012 aimed at introducing ethical principles in the business environment through the assignment of a “recognition” – measured in “stars” – indicative of the respect for legality, transparency and social responsibility by companies that have applied for it.

Italtel has always pursued their own business in full respect of the principles and rules of honesty, integrity and transparency. A commitment that is also witnessed by adopting, since 2002, a model of management, organization and control in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001 aimed at the prevention of crime.

Italtel has been among the first companies in Italy to make this choice and the Model 231, constantly updated, has allowed the company to create an effective internal control system capable not only of preventing the commission of offenses, but in wider terms of promoting right behaviors and taking drawn and transparent decisions in all business activities.

The principles of prevention of crime and behavior guidelines have been spread to all Italtel Group employees, partners, managers and to all those who operate on behalf of or in favor of each Group company.

Also Italtel Group’s Code of Conduct is based on the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility enshrined in the Global Compact, the world’s most prestigious standard, promoted by the United Nations.

In the last few years, Italtel has also wanted to give external visibility of the concreteness of its own initiatives through a set of indicators, illustrated in a specific section of Italtel Annual Report.

The attribution of the highest score in the legality rating by the AGCM, comes as an acknowledgment of Italtel’s long-standing to be a competitive, honest and socially responsible company.

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