The Internet Of Everything Summit
Thursday, 03 July 2014 Centro Congressi Roma Eventi-Fontana di Trevi Rome
Italtel participates at the Summit “The Internet Of Everything. Objects, People, Data, Processes: The Next Convergence”, organized by The Innovation Group in collaboration with Cisco Italy.
The Summit will be held in Rome on the 3rd of July at the Centro Congressi Roma Eventi-Fontana di Trevi in Piazza della Pilotta, 4.
The ‘Internet Of Everything” summit will address the key issues related to the new approach of Everything tied to the Internet, which is increasingly becoming the paradigm of technological innovation and transformation of cities and various economic and industrial sectors.
In addition during the EXPO 2015, Italy will play a leading role in the vision dell’IoE, realizing projects and applications in the field of nutrition, health and food safety.
Italtel has always focused on the most current topics in the ICT, and is actively present within the conference as a Diamond Sponsor. Stefano Pileri, Italtel CEO, will present his vision on the theme “The new generation of business applications, systems and technology architectures in the context of the Internet of Everything.”
In the afternoon, during the session “Building a smart city,” Maurizio Tondi, Head of Market Development EMEA, will present the case of the trial of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) in Varese and Monza, as a platform for the Internet of Everything.
Agenda details