Ultra-broadband networks: extended contracts

Extended the Italtel contracts to develop ultra-broadband fiber optic and wireless network

The value of activities included in the deals is more than €200 million

Milan, May 4, 2018 – Italtel, a company controlled for 81% by Exprivia – a company listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange [XPR.MI] – and Open Fiber have extended their contracts related to the development of the ultra-broadband network in the white areas of Italy (the so-called ‘market failure’ areas) of the first two Infratel tenders. The first contracts for the project date back to 2016, when Italtel was chosen as the designated designer of the network.

The overall economic value, related to the multi-year activity, depending on the timing that will be indicated by the client, is worth more than €200 million, lining up with the economic expectations of Italtel’s industrial plan.

The object of the Infratel tenders is the designing and construction, as well as the maintenance and management of an ultra-broadband infrastructure for more than 6,700 Municipalities belonging to the regions of Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Abruzzo and Molise (first tender) and Piedmont, Valle of Aosta, Liguria, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Basilicata, Sicily and the Autonomous Province of Trento (second tender).

At its ultra-broadband Engineering Centers, Italtel carries out the designing of the fiber optic access infrastructure (FTTH – Fiber To The Home), the Fixed Wireless Access network (FWA) and the network’s Point of Presence (PoPs).

We are proud to play a significant role in a greatly important project for the country, with significant implications for employment,” said Stefano Pileri, CEO of Italtel. “Thanks to the collaboration with Open Fiber, Italtel consolidates its expertise in the designing of ultra-broadband optical and wireless networks to provide a unique experience that represents value for the evolution of 5G networks and for the development of foreign markets.”

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