Webinar on Digital Health organized by IVI

Webinars organized by Innovation Value Institute bring academia and business leaders together to discuss current topics related to Digtial Transformation, addressing both business and technical challenges.

The next webinar is dedicated to the “Responsible use of AI for person empowerment on health and wellbeing” and is on April, Thursday 28 from 15.00 to 16.30 pm [GMT + 1; Dub].

Technological innovations are accelerating disruption in consumer health and wellbeing but there is still a disconnect between current healthcare, focused on disease management, and the needs of empowered consumers whose focus is on comprehension and management of their health.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays an important role in healthcare, but we must ensure that AI is used responsibly and protect human autonomy. In particular, AI systems should empower human beings allowing them to make informed decisions and fostering their fundamental rights.

The objective of this webinar is to discuss the use of new technologies in healthcare, and AI in particular, and how they can empower people/patients, so to have the “right” balance between technology potential and human knowledge/experience. The webinar offers different perspectives and practical examples on use of responsible use of AI in health for person empowerment from both academic and industry experts.

Paolo Bruno, Head of Cloud Applications Development Lab, intervenes for Italtel for a high-level presentation of our DoctorLINK telemedicine solution, its possible impacts for the patient, and the prospects for evolution with the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques.

Find out more and register FREE now: www.ivi.ie/ivi-webinars

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