Italtel renews Cisco certifications in Italy and abroad
Confirmed Cisco Gold Partner, Master Cloud Builder and Master Collaboration certifications in Italy and Cloud and Managed Services Express certification in Italy and abroad.
Cisco reconfirmed Italtel’s certifications as Gold Partner, Master Cloud Builder and Master Collaboration in Italy and Cloud and Managed Services Express certification for Italy and all foreign branches.
The re-certification process for this year had not required a new audit because Cisco has acknowledged that Italtel did continue to meet all requirements in terms of qualified personnel and infrastructure to be able to sell, install and maintain solutions and managed services based on Cisco technologies.
In particular, the Cloud and Managed Services Express certification that has been re-newed by Italtel in Italy has “global validity”, therefore Cisco acknowledges the same level of certification also to all Italtel foreign branches.
“Italtel has been a Cisco partner for about twenty years and the renewal of these certifications demonstrates our continuous commitment to maintain and consolidate our competence at the highest level. We are a relevant Cisco partner in Italy and abroad and together we are exploring new areas of collaboration in the application of IoT to various verticals”, commented Italtel CEO Stefano Pileri.