Italtel launches its NFV Lab

NFV Lab: skills and experience for the Digital Transformation

Thanks to the experience acquired since 2010 in the virtualization of its functional products and, subsequently, of the ETSI NFV architecture, Italtel has decided to offer its skills through the creation of a Lab dedicated to NFV/SDN issues.

For some time Italtel has studied and analyzed the ETSI NFV standards, actively contributing to their development and, thanks to this activity, has progressively adapted products and solutions to the NFV paradigm to ensure, in full compliance with the aforementioned standards, truly open environments.

This long-term activity has enabled Italtel to develop a clear and appropriately critical view of the NFV/SDN architecture and effectively position itself as an expert partner in designing, implementing and consolidating the Digital Transformation process in the Telco Operator networks.

Italtel’s NFV Lab provides expertise and a complete NFV/SDN environment and aims to offer Partners and Customers not only consultancy services and support for the design of NFV networks conforming to the ETSI standard, but also testing and experimentation of solutions or third-party components of NFV architecture.

For further information, read more about NFV Lab.



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