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Italtel Spain_ISO sustainability and security

A more sustainable and secure company

Italtel Spain, as part of its environmental sustainability path, has added the ISO14001 standards to its certified skills. Our commitment to security is also strong, and for this reason Italtel Spain has included the developmen...
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Sustainability is
the essential condition
for development

Sustainability today is measured in terms of social development, energy saving and reduction of environmental impact. We can aspire to improve our results in different areas and at the same time contribute to improving the world around us if we inspire all our activities to sustainability in its three dimensions: environmental, social and economic. For this reason we translate our policies into actions, evaluate our activities according to social, environmental and governance ESG criteria, set ourselves objectives and measure our progress over time.

Forth Sustainability Report

Our principles of CSR

Italtel, which celebrated 100 years of activity in 2021, has always pursued its business objectives according to solid principles of Corporate Social Responsibility, that is, respecting, wherever it operates in Italy and around the world, people's rights, fair competition, safeguarding the environment and protecting health and safety at work.
The ethical principles inspiring our CSR are those sanctioned by the United Nations Global Compact and relate to respect for human rights, the creation of dignified working conditions, environmental protection and business ethics, themes that constitute the reference of our Code of Conduct.
Italtel is fully aware that sustainability is an essential condition for its development and success. In designing and marketing its solutions and services, it has created a business model inspired by corporate social responsibility and has established
Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility .


ESG Commitee

Establishment of an ESG committee to strategically guide Italtel's sustainability path

Guidelines for CSR

Italtel has established a process for the management of ESG factors and defined the Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility

Plastic Free

The Carini Industrial Complex develops its own specific Environmental Policy and has been Plastic free since the end of 2019, having eliminated the consumption of plastic by Italtel guests and employees and by the companies present in the area

Anti-harassment statement

Adherence to the agreement signed by Confindustria with the national trade unions CGIL, CISL and UIL which aims to prevent and combat acts and behaviors that constitute harassment or violence in the workplace

Purchasing policy

Adoption of a new Purchasing Policy in which we have not limited ourselves to defining purchasing criteria and methods suitable for guaranteeing customers the supply of products and services that satisfy the needs of quality, cost, time and reliability but we have underlined our desire to operate only with suppliers who share our principles of Corporate Social Responsibility

Carini plant

First achievement of ISO 14001 Environmental Certification (see certifications) for the Carini plant

Protecting the environment is our prerogative

In line with our "Policy for the Environment, Health and Safety at Work", we have adopted methodologies for eco-compatible design since 1994 and have developed products that fully comply with the restrictions on the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS

Open-ES Card

In July 2023 we completed the Open-ES assessment, a collaborative platform to measure and improve one's ESG performance, which includes the participation of over 7200 companies, present in over 80 countries, belonging to more than 65 industrial sectors; we obtained the final score of 11/12 equal to the max. for our reference sector.

2023 - Open-ES Card

Supply Chain

Our commitment at an environmental, social and governance level is also confirmed by the sustainability rating issued to us every year by EcoVadis, an international organization that has developed a collaborative platform to evaluate the sustainability of suppliers operating in global supply chains. Since 2015 we have held the "Silver Medal" which was renewed in August 2022 with an overall score of 61/100.

Ecovadis rating certificate


Our environmental
sustainability actions

In the field of environmental sustainability, the main ongoing challenge is represented by climate change induced by global warming, caused by greenhouse gas emissions due to human activities. We want to responsibly pursue our business objectives and therefore we intend to make every effort to contain CO2 emissions caused directly and indirectly by our economic activities.


We disclose our ESG objectives and results through the Group Sustainability Report drawn up according to the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards, which we publish every year starting from 2019.

Total energy used

Electric energy

of CO2

Transparency is fundamental for a sustainable future, so from 2021 we will disclose data relating to our emissions through CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), a global non-profit organisation.

The share of "green" turnover, i.e. the turnover deriving from products and services that have a positive environmental utility, according to the FTSE Classification System 2.0, was equal to 7% in 2022.


“PLASTIC FREE” PROJECT ITALY - Cumulative reduction of plastic

CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project

CDP aims to raise awareness among companies and governments of the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. In 2022 we moved from level D to level C of the CDP rating for the Climate Change questionnaire, which expresses full awareness of the environmental issue and its impacts.

For 2023

Italtel has set itself a further objective of reducing energy consumption by 19% compared to 2022, equal to a reduction of 500 tonnes of CO2.


Nel 2022 abbiamo misurato la nostra Carbon Footprint abbiamo cioè effettuato l’inventario delle emissioni di gas effetto serra (GHG) del 2021 connesse alle attività delle nostre sedi italiane di Milano, Roma e Palermo, e ci siamo sottoposti alla certificazione da parte di IMQ in conformità ai requisiti della Norma UNI EN ISO 14064-1.

We believe that this certification is very important because it brings credibility and guarantee to our greenhouse gas reporting and monitoring processes both in reference to the consolidated Sustainability Report that we publish every year and to the declarations on the subject that are increasingly requested by our customers.

Total direct and indirect GHG emissions into the atmosphere resulting from Italtel's activities


We are a company made
of people, their diversity
it is our wealth

Private and professional
life balance

The policy that the company carries out in each of the countries in which it operates is to pay attention to the balance between private and professional life and has been using smart working as a hybrid working method for years now. Therefore, the arrival of the pandemic in 2020 represented an opportunity to strengthen and extend the hybrid working practices already applied in the company for some time. The company supported this moment of change with adequate training/information paths which made it possible to contain drops in productivity, if not, in some specific cases, to improve and increase it.

With the passing of the pandemic emergency phase, the company continued to work in hybrid mode, on a voluntary basis and up to 50% of working time.






We operate everywhere in the
respect for our principles
of Corporate Governance

In particular, we prevent and combat corruption and all forms of illegality by every means; our actions are guided in all circumstances by loyalty and honesty as we want to maintain and increase the esteem and respect of our stakeholders and be a successful, competitive, healthy and sustainable company.

The Legislative Decree 231/01 regulates the liability of legal persons, companies and associations also without legal personality. The purpose of the Decree is to strike companies and associations for crimes committed in the interest of the institutions themselves by directors, and persons subject to their direction or supervision (criminal liability).
The criminal liability of the company finds, however, a form of exemption in paragraph 6 of the Decree when the company demonstrates, among other things, that:

  • It has adopted and has effectively implemented a “Model of organization, management and control” suitable to prevent the commission of crimes included in the Decree;
  • It has committed to an “Organism” with autonomous powers of initiative and control the task of supervising operations, effectiveness and compliance of the Model, as well as updating it.
Index of 231 Model

Italtel S.p.A. therefore adopted a corporate governance system to meet the needs of clearness, transparency and ethics required by the market and shareholders in managing of the business.
The company has consistently adapted its internal control system and continuously strives to maintain it suitable to prevent the commission, by the personnel of the Company, its consultants and partners, of the offenses included in the D. Lgs. 231/01 and subsequent amendments.
For this purpose Italtel S.p.A. adopted since November 5, 2002 a Model of Organisation, Management and Control and appointed the Supervisory Body (SB) to supervise its implementation and adequacy. To implement such a Model the relevant company functions in agreement with the SB adopted specific protocols in order to prevent the commission of the crimes included in the Decree. There are two kinds of protocol :

  • general, that recall the basic principles defined in the Model;
  • specific for areas or activities at risk of crime, which contain a concise description of the process and activities covered by the Protocol, the offenses that could be committed, the applicable control elements, the specific rules of behaviour, the information flows towards the SB.
Organization, Management and Control Model and Anti-bribery Compliance Program

Rating of Legality

The Italian Antitrust Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato – AGCM) has renewed the Rating of Legality to Italtel S.p.A., held since 2015, assigning it the highest score: three “stars”.
Italtel S.p.A. always pursues its business goals in full compliance with principles and rules of honesty, integrity and transparency.
The Principles of crime prevention and the Guidelines of Conduct have been spread to all Companies of Italtel Group: to employees, directors and all those who operate on behalf or in favor of each Company of the Group.
Furthermore, the Code of Conduct of Italtel is based on the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility provided by Global Compact, the most prestigious worldwide standard in this field, promoted by the United Nations.
Finally, in the last years, Italtel S.p.A. wanted to give greater visibility about the concreteness of its initiatives through a set of indicators, illustrated in a specific section of its financial report.

Rating of Legality (in Italian)


System aimed at collecting reports regarding potential offenses or irregularities of which one has become aware in the context of work activity and intends to promote the culture of ethics and legality in the face of irregular conduct of which one is witness.


Code of Conduct

Italtel takes as its guiding principle, in carrying out its activities, in defining strategic directions, and in developing its business, in Italy and abroad, compliance with the laws and regulations in force within the framework of the ethical principles of reference.


Enablers of sustainability

As a company we are aware that digitalisation is the main driver for inclusive and planet-friendly development, therefore we support our customers' sustainability strategies by making our skills and expertise available to them.
With our offer of solutions and services based on innovative sustainable technologies we are committed to helping them achieve their business results in an increasingly sustainable way.

Through cooperation with Academic Institutions, Research Centres, Standardization Bodies, Startups, Small and Medium Enterprises and Public Bodies we conduct research on the most relevant international technological trends, develop innovative prototypes and exploit the results of the projects to obtain maximum benefits for citizens and society thanks to new products, solutions and services.

Digital workplace

Our Workspace optimization and collaboration solutions on the one hand contribute to achieving company objectives of productivity and reduction of CO2 emissions through energy saving and on the other improve the worklife balance of collaborators, as well as the bond between company and employees.


Hybrid cloud

Cloud Computing solutions allow you to optimize customer solutions by reducing CO2 emissions into the environment;

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